Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Expect a Lean and Efficient Management by Monti

A long and ardous day is waiting for Italy's President, Giorgio Napolitano: he will meet with all political forces, which are represented in the parliament - from the Südtiroler Volkspartei to Berlusconi's People of Freedom party. The objective is clear: the President has to organize a broad majority for the new government and strap commitments from the political parties. No doubt, that he will succeed. At the end Monti will have the broadest majority, that in the Italian history any government has had. Certainly this refers only to this crucial moment of deep national crises. The picture could and will will change in the future. Personally I do expect that latest in te next Spring, that the support will diminish notably. So speed matters now.
How will the new government look like? It seems - from the perspective of this morning- that it will be a purely "technical" cabinet with highly qualified ministers, who are not linked to any political force. Even if I don't like this idea hundred percent, it can have an important advantage: independence and dynamism. Monti has to get things done. Fast. With such a cabinet the efficiency would be higher than in the case of a mixed technical-political government. But wait and see, the decisions in these regards are not yet taken.
On thing however is sure: The cabinet will be lean and mean. Monti plans only with 12 ministers or so, no deputies, no secretaries of state. What a difference to the government Berlusconi, where some 40 or 50 people had a function (and often nothing to do).
Expect from Monti a highly efficient management style. Good for Italy, good for Europe.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Marcello,
    I thoroughly appreciate your blog and your knowledgable comments on the Italian situation - as well as your really incredible stamina! I have a favour to ask you: is it possible that EVERYTHING was bad during Berlusconi's government? Didn't he do anything that was positive? So: would you mind writing an account of pros and cons during the 17 years of Berlusconi government?

  2. Sure, not everything was bad. But the real problem is the abyssal difference between bold promises and concrete actions. I think this will be in the future one of the most remembered facts.
